The Mission
Your one-stop to navigate Healing, Hope & Serenity.
Have A Seat...
As someone who has worked within Human Services for over 14 years, I've seen and heard the outcry for help in various forms and seen the attempt to masked it in various ways. Maybe you've heard it or seen it yourself and just didn't know what to do at the time. Please help us by clicking the link below and donating to Suffer No More. You can also help by spreading the word to others that we exist and are ready to restore hope. The best way to help us is to simply listen better to those around you. You might just have the hope they need in that moment...
We have an amazing network of psychologists, family therapy counselors, behavioral analysts, and Pastors who are truly dedicated to bringing clarity and freedom to any given situation. We are looking to bring counseling to those seeking a breakthrough in their situation. The counseling will be paid through a voucher system that is based on a sliding fee scale model. Pretty much, the health provider determines the cost and we, "Suffer No More", pay for it.
​ Parents of children with disabilities have an extra shoulder to lean on now. We want to support them emotionally, spiritually, and financially as they continue to grow as family with a brighter future. Parents working through the mental health challenges with their children can also get care and support.
For those coming back from the battlefield or the battle that comes after child labor, PTSD and post pardum depression/psychosis can be a very challenging walk alone. Individuals will need initial and continued support for healing and growth. Help us support the existing organizations that are already doing the work, but are underfunded and for those who come through our counseling system.
We are not only going out into the streets but are also networking with organizations who just don't have the resources to fund and support some of the "other" needs that are presented. We want to provide Sterno cans for those who are sleeping in tents, back backs and luggage for constant travelors, bus tickets for those who are now accepted back into the family fold, and paid treatment for those who desire nothing else but to be free from the chains of addiction. The list goes on... Church Home, Pastoral counseling Opposition to Human trafficking & Sexual slavery 612-379-1199 Christ based counseling
Providing much needed services to wounded soldiers/veterans Domestice voilence & Sexual assault Awareness
1-800-SUICIDE Suicide Counseling
1-800-SUICIDA Depues de un intento de suicidio Minnesota crisis line 612-379-6363 Suicide prevention Changing lives through addiction care & education 612-863-4770 Postpartum Depression Support Groups 612-787-7776 Postpartum Support Groups
Eating disorder assesment 952-993-5864 888-364-5977 Eaitng Disorder Treatment 612-373-3366 MN Adult and Teen Challenge
Freedom from addiction American Addiction Centers 888-855-2573 651-266-1000 SOS Sexual Violence Services The Saint Paul Ramsey county Domestic Abuse Intervention Project 911 or 651-645-2824 or 1-800-799-7233 Saint Paul inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab Programs Eating Disorder Treatment Centers for Bulimia & Anorexia in Saint Paul 1-866-547-0824
Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters. Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies. Hebrews 13:1-3