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 The Vision

 Approx 5.5 Million people 

 live in MN. How many are 

 suffering in Silence? 

 How many have to? 

The Vision

Our Vision is to widen the scope of awareness and direct care for individuals in our communities suffering with mental illness and to support the existing efforts of non-profit groups caring for those individuals.


  • As believers of Christ, we are believers in mercy, grace and justice. It is time that we step up and stand out for the people lost in the trenches. There are so many who suffer with unaddressed mental health issues. There are those that are living with shame through no fault of their own and don't know who to tell. There are individuals who have been trapped into sexual slavery and human trafficking and want to come back home. There are people who can't seem to find the exit door to their addictions and costly vices. There are children within our broken foster care system who aren't getting the direction they so desperately need. Others struggling with PTSD, postpartum depression & psychosis are within the scope we are trying to reach. Suicide awareness and prevention are at the forefront of our approach. We are also responding to the basic needs of homeless communities. These are all important as we try to bring holistic healing to our community.


     Unfortunately, the list goes on and on. But our vision is to directly effect as many individuals as possible by focusing on the basic needs of men and women, to lift them up and to suffer no more.


     Suffer No More directly helps those in need

  • mental health

  • sexual trafficking

  • addiction

  • foster care

  • PTSD, postpartum depression & psychosis

  • suicide

  • domestic abuse

Suicide Statistics MN

683 Suicides in 2013

13% increase from the previous year

A majority remains within males between the ages of 55-60

We all want to know someone cares.


     Here at Suffer No More, we strive to bring further awareness, continued support, and life-changing services to those in need. We support our individual clients by partnering with groups that fit their needs, including: healthcare professionals, support groups, pastoral support, shelters, and through financial aid, supporting the most basic needs.


     The "Vision," simply put is "Restoring hope to those who no longer have any..." This who we are. This is why we exist.

























  ...Statistics put suicide at around 38,000 deaths per year nationwide. What can we do to decrease that number? Acknowledgement is key. Suffer No More looks to build the individuals self-worth, seeing past the surface... looking within.



Figure 1 Suicide by Age & Gender 2021_edited_edited.jpg
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